Sunday, July 3, 2011


I'd like to clarify a few things about the type of beauty blogger I am; and to prevent my clarification from becoming a pedantic, two-page essay that most people would probably lose interest in after the first page, I'll shimmy everything into a list.

1. I'm not addicted to buying makeup. I don't ever purchase anything simply for the sake of being able to try it out and therefore have something to write about. Developing an addiction to shopping would be especially dangerous and stupid because I'm currently unemployed. Also, who really reads what I have to say? I have one follower on Blogger: my boyfriend. (Check out his blog, the Cinephile Vanishes!)

2. I only buy something when I really, really want it, and I'm very selective about what that occasional thing is. Another lipstick? Don't need it. I don't even wear the two that I own. The three products I purchase most often are lip gloss, eye primer, and nail polish.

3. Reading and watching films are my two main interests; I've yet to allow beauty and cosmetic concerns to usurp an unhealthy amount of my time. Hell, I don't even read magazines on the subject.

4. At the most, I'll probably try to update this blog at least two times per month. So if I ever do manage to attract any followers, my apologies! I won't be updating as frequently as other folks you're already familiar with.

5. My knowledge of makeup is still very limited. (See my first post!) What I now know I learned from watching videos on YouTube and reading other beauty blogs. And while I don't blatantly steal from these other learned sages of all things girly, I'd like to think that I've developed an appreciation for makeup through perusing their opinions.

Thanks for reading!

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